i’m back


I’m baaaaaack, in the gym that is…and I am turnt! excited, MOTIVATED. Two years ago I started my fitness journey and was adversely allergic to the gym. No way No how! but I soon realized in order to reach my goals and desired body design I signed up for a basic membership. I disciplined myself to be at the gym and working out by 5 am max. 5-6 days a week. I started at 170lbs down from 197 with a target goal of 150. Before the gym, I started with walking a mile at my neighborhood track and intentionally increased to 4 miles a day.

I fell in love with the gym! so much so that I created an Instagram account @cocoshishelovesgym dedicated to my love of fitness wear and its motivation lol! follow me there AFTER you follow us here @DVAMag. Moving forward the beginning of 2017 was tumultuous! I went through a heartbreak and other circumstances that discouraged me and I ate ALL 27lbs+ back! I felt defeated but hopeful that I would return to my beloved gym. I didn’t start this as a New Years Resolution, I started today! the END of the month amidst a fast. BUT I started. Afterall THIS IS THE POWER YEAR. I weighed myself and I come in at 199.8 lbs. I sound like I am competing for a heavyweight championship!

It actually feels good to be sweating profusely and pushing through reps. I highly recommend it. As a matter of fact! I encourage you and cheer you on as you get started, continue and reach your goals. You know it isn’t an Eds letter without sharing with you the power of grace! As you contemplate sticking to your resolution or a decision to start NOW, Gods Grace is there to assist and guide you. Whether it’s to gently push you out of the bed, house, car, or store or encourage you in the midst of your sesh! Draw on the power ready and waiting for you. If you decide to quit, the lingering power of grace will eventually get you back on the right track!

I will be sharing my progress here and on both IG accounts. I would love to interact with you and hear about your progress! Send me an email at Denise@DVAMg.com

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit” 3 John 1:2 {NLT}.





  1. Tamika
    January 29, 2018 / 7:35 pm

    L-O-V-E this post! About to embark upon my own fitness journey and this gives me one of those Grace filled signs that I’m going in the right direction. ❤️

    • Denise Coleman
      January 29, 2018 / 8:28 pm

      Yay!! Thanks for sharing!! I’m excited for you and your fitness journey!! Checkout our articles Which diet is best for you and our at Home lower body workout in our health and fitness section. Please keep me posted! as I cheer you on!

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