Rejection has been a major insecurity of mine. Whether it be relationships, business or personal, it’s kinda been my kryptonite. It has stopped me from pursuing new friendships and the possibilities in budding business opportunities. Understanding it, and putting it in its proper place can sometimes be a daily exercise. I’ve learned, rejection can be twofold. It is designed to stop your dreams, your vision, your power, YOU! Everything from shrinking in a room full of people we esteem, hiding our true selves from the world to suicide and even homicide or We can learn to properly assess it and turn those experiences into goldmines we possess!.
I recall a time when I was talking to God about a specific situation where I felt the undercurrent of rejection. I knew I was slowly reverting back to old thoughts and behaviors, all in an attempt not to be rejected. I distinctly heard the question: Why are you trying to fit in?!… I heard the declaration: “I made you differently…I set you apart. You are already accepted, by Me!” {Jeremiah 1:5, 1Peter 2:9, Ephesians 1:6}
That expression of Grace was and continues to be a pivotal lane changer. I learned to look at why I was being rejected. The experience of rejection turned into a goldmine of introspection and acknowledgement of my immense value. I now had the opportunity to either address my shortcomings and allow Grace to make me a better person, perhaps sharpen my approach or presentation or just simply appreciate and celebrate my uniqueness. Ever heard the expression “Go where you are celebrated not tolerated?” Let’s do that!