the persistent Gift


Here we are knee deep in the Christmas season. A season where the majority of us usually go above and beyond to express our love for our loved ones. Usually in the form of gifts. I believe regardless of convictions, the Christmas season is celebrated in some form or fashion just from the sheer celebratory energy in the atmosphere. In its sincerest form, it brings about the expression of appreciation, gratefulness, and love. Some of us rack our brains and subject ourselves to high levels of anxiety with last minute shopping or even months prior, in search of the perfect expression. Can I help alleviate your stress?

Grace is THE best gift ever given. Once received it’s the kind of gift that never gets regifted but it has this capacity to duplicate itself and make an exponential impact. It’s perpetual. Allow me to share with you what comprises this awesome gift. Unconditional Love: Irrespective of class, race, gender, sexuality, poor decisions, performance, etc. this type of love is extended. Forgiveness: Anything us humans have done or could possibly do, has. been. forgiven. Lifetime membership: unlimited, indestructible access to everything grace encompasses. Joy: Knowing the odds are always in your favor.  Peace: calm that radiates from the knowledge of having a lifetime membership. Wisdom: equipped with a correct understanding and application of knowledge. Wealth: Ownership of all resources that perpetuate a life of abundance. Health: physical and emotional stability. Protection: The authority to employ safe environments. Guidance: access to the blueprint of your life. Purpose: the meaning of life. Relationship: connected to unequivocal support. Favor: Special treatment, the hookup. Success: the achievement of spiritual and physical goals. I could go on and on, and it’s all wrapped up in Jesus. Christ. The best celebration of Christmas. EVER.

Let’s give the gift of grace to ourselves or extend it. If you would like the gift of grace. It’s so simple: “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 Done! Merry Christmas!


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