Secured bags and blocked blessings


We’ve all heard or even been advised, “All money ain’t good money” or “Money isn’t everything”.  At some point in time, we have received sage advice “Don’t do it for money” from esteemed peers, mentors or individuals whose words weigh heavy in our decisions. Securing the bag, get money culture is nothing new and Lord knows I was for the culture.

Growing up with a lack mindset fueled me to make my own money as soon as I could. I hated not having enough or having to do without. I’m an 80’s baby. That explains a lot. Growing up I followed the traditional means of making money: babysitting, lemonade stand, fast food chains, even a self-taught nail tech. The more money I made the more motivated I was. If it ain’t about the money you can miss me attitude was applied to every opportunity that came my way. Granted, my money motives didn’t begin and end with my childhood experiences, like everyone else, I took what I thought were opportunities to advance and got burned. Painfully but, fortunately, it became an extremely hard lesson to change my perspective and motives. I have been approached with mindblowing, unheard of opportunities {blessings} that would have taken me where I was hustling to get to, but my attitude stifled my altitude. My get money mindset blocked my blessings. I could not see the blessings right before my eyes. It happens. Enter Grace.

Blessed to be a blessing…it isn’t just a religious mantra. It’s an edict. It’s Grace overflowing into others, a 1st generation pay it forward. It actually was birthed through Abrams adherence to Grace. In reading the account of Abram and Lot in the bible, what made a lasting impression on me, was the immense blessings Lot walked in. Lot was blessed, solely because of his connection to the blessed, Abram. Lot wasn’t made aware of the “blessed to be a blessing” conversation between God and Abram. Lot didn’t see the blessing and decide to hop on board, get connected. As a matter of fact, Lot had no idea what he was connected to and eventually, his get money attitude blocked his future blessings.

Trust me, I understand what looks like some people seem to have a “knack” for picking the right opportunities or making decisions that lead to lucrative outcomes. Don’t block your blessings because you deem someone not where they need to be, the number of likes or followers, or who they are or are not connected to. If you receive any education, educate yourself on the Grace of God. Through Grace, I learned that I have everything beyond what I’ve imagined a great life would live like. I learned I have access to wisdom that assists me in determining what opportunities I should be a part of and what’s a dead-end. I am guided into my blessings, get guided into yours.


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