Skincare power ingredients: what to avoid and what to look for

  When it comes to marketing a product, two of the beauty world’s most favorite catchphrases are “natural ingredients” and “vegan.”

Sanitary makeup Practices

  I am sure everyone who uses makeup products or other beauty tools knows that keeping your makeup clean and organized is not only practical but healthy and safe.

let’s talk Acne

Imagine today is a special day; maybe it is the day of your big meeting; an engagement photo shoot or the day of your granddaughter’s first birthday


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men’s Skincare

For the lоngest tіmе ѕkіn саrе has been targeted fоr women, while products for men were few and far between.  Not anymore!

Glowy Skin for all Skin types

  There are a few different variations when referring to skin type.  Folks fall into a bucket of having Normal, Dry, Oily, or a Combo of the types.

a Soft Celebration

 The time is here to celebrate the loved ones in your life. What better way to be ready with a soft kiss that says I love and adore you.

Grab an “all in One”

Hello, again my beautiful butterflies!!

happy new Skin

Happy New Year my beautiful butterflies! I’m so excited to start 2018!

Your eyes are the seat!

They say the eyes are the seat of the soul, so let’s learn how to brighten and tighten this area.

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