Fight for Sisterhood


What a month it has been! First and foremost I want to apologize for the delay in your September issue. We experienced publishing challenges that prevented our timely monthly issue. I’m really glad that challenge has been conquered. On to the next! Right?

Well in the spirit of one of the goals of this magazine: transparency, Sisters, I have been struggling with my vision. My vision of sisterhood: encouraging and empowering women to move forward gracefully in their God-given purpose. I believe that due to this specific vision, I have experienced a concentration of disappointments, setbacks, and heartbreaks in relation to my advocacy of sisterhood. I wondered was it real and tangible or was I being naive? Was the “future is female” a sort of battle cry of solidarity or just a push for power with cannibalistic undertones.

This month I celebrated my Dads’ 75th birthday! We did something he’s always wanted to do! Go RVing. We went back to his hometown of New Orleans for a grand celebration with family and friends. I didn’t realize how much I needed this getaway and it felt good to be back in the south. I met 1st cousins for the first time, learned more family history and experienced genuine sister love from family and complete strangers. Whilst on this vacay of sorts, I had one of the most special encounters with God. Something that I know only Gods grace could do and that He was reaffirming my vision and heart’s desire.

One morning one of my sisters that resided in N.O, and I sat at a waffle house for breakfast and we began to catch up with each other’s lives. I confided in her about my sisterhood struggle. She encouraged me and reassured me that Yes sisterhood exists. As that conversation played out, I began to hear the song Miss Celie’s Blues{Sister} playing in the background. I thought, is this in my head? or am I really hearing this?! As I listened even more intently, to my astoundment it was playing on the jukebox! My sister and I began singing along and I looked up to find the waitresses making eye contact, smiling and singing in chorus! How Special and Spiritual! *insert vibrating heart emojis! That blew me away! I teared and choked up. That act of love really revived my faith in my vision and in my sisters! and I am truly thankful to God for that encounter{as there are no coincidences}.

Thank you, Waffle House Sisters! 

Wherever you are in life and Whatever you are pursuing, never give up, keep encouraging and empowering…Fight for sisterhood.


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