Although dry skin usually doesn’t have acne issues, it definitely has its challenges. It tends to be on the sensitive side, it can appear ashy, and it can even be itchy. Exfoliants and moisture are key tips to helping dry skin. A trip to the spa every 2 to 3 months can be a great benefit. Try hydrating body treatments and microdermabrasion (deeper exfoliation) for the face and make sure to follow up with home regiments.
When dealing with dry skin, use products that add oils and retain water. When shopping for products look for keywords like: Occlusive (holds water); Emollients (lubricate and moisturize); Hydrator aka humectants (attract water); Lipids (improves hydration). Stay away from products with alcohol and high in perfumes.
For those that like natural products look for these ingredients
Essential Oils, Herbs Foods Ingredients
Birch leaf Avocado
Evening primrose Honey
Jasmine Oatmeal
Patchouli Papaya
No matter which type of product you use there are just five basic steps you need to follow morning and night. Cleanse, Tone, Exfoliate (once a week), Mask (twice a week) and Hydrate. If time and budget allow, throw in serum for extra moisture or protection. There are different types of serums on the market such as eye, lip, wrinkles, anti-aging, etc… and different ways to use them. Taking care of your skin is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Dirt, infection, and diseases enter through the skin so keeping up on your skin game is vital to your health and besides, it looks and feels so so good.
When dealing with dry skin, use products that add oils and retain water. When shopping for products look for keywords like: Occlusive (holds water); Emollients (lubricate and moisturize); Hydrator aka humectants (attract water); Lipids (improves hydration). Stay away from products with alcohol and high in perfumes.
For those that like natural products look for these ingredients
Essential Oils, Herbs Foods Ingredients
Birch leaf
Evening primrose
No matter which type of product you use there are just five basic steps you need to follow morning and night. Cleanse, Tone, Exfoliate (once a week), Mask (twice a week) and Hydrate. If time and budget allow, throw in serum for extra moisture or protection. There are different types of serums on the market such as eye, lip, wrinkles, anti-aging, etc… and different ways to use them. Taking care of your skin is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Dirt, infection, and diseases enter through the skin so keeping up on your skin game is vital to your health and besides, it looks and feels so so good.