love at a distance


“Walking in unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die”.

It’s a New Year and it seems as if half the populations’ resolution is to intentionally dump, drop and disconnect from a slew of toxic people and relationships from 2017. It’s a good gesture and may be well-meaning but if you haven’t let go and actually forgave them, your sipping on that lean {poison}. Holding onto betrayal and deception is so easy and may be deemed justifiable, but it’s 2018, we’re going to the next level and it has no space for baggage. It is a Power Year wherein we operate in our power, not depleting it.

Unforgiveness is the quickest way to deplete your energy and cause distraction from your vision. Who’s got time for that? We’ve got dreams and visions bigger than the heartbreak. There are people depending on you to push through. Please don’t mistake this for some rose-colored glasses rhetoric or write me off as Hmmpf she’s never been through anything. I want to share what’s worked for me. Praying for the Grace to love from a distance. The Grace to sincerely forgive and not allow the circumstances or experience{s} to stifle my power. It works and is liberating. It’s completely different from pushing it down and burying it. That will only manifest as self-sabotage. The poison taking its effect.

Grace is what gives me the hope that there are great people, friends, and relationships in my future as well as reminding me of the ones I currently have. Grace is what gives me the ability to enter into new relationships with less and less baggage and more joy. All I’m saying is allow Grace to make the difference. Allow Grace to help you. We are superwomen, but only by the Grace of God.

Let’s at least keep this resolution to love from a distance by accepting the powerful help of Gods grace.



  1. Karen Carter
    January 17, 2018 / 6:49 pm

    This is awesome!

    • Denise Coleman
      January 28, 2018 / 5:24 pm

      Thank you!Karen

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