As an adolescent on the neighborhood block drill team, we would shout proudly in unison “SOPHISTICATED LADY! UN UN UN UNH!” simultaneously swaying our hips, mimicking a switch: a grown woman’s walk that symbolized one who had it all together and called the shots! Cultured and Accomplished; the big sister to Bawse, Boss lady, Girl boss and Boss bitch. Whether practicing or performing, it was one of my favorite routines! I envisioned myself becoming her, the Sophisticated Lady. Fast forward, I’ve set some new goals to read more; learn a new language and culture; be consistent in positive thoughts, speech, and reactions. I have an accountability buddy {she says bully} that helps me to refocus, and stay excited about the future. It’s new to me but I love it! I love learning something new every day whether the discovery is from within, via our introspective conversations or daily life experiences. I’ve learned to listen to opposing opinions and I am in continual forward movement in exercising grace and compassion towards others.
A few weeks ago, I was engaged in conversation with a phenomenal new sistafriend. Susan L. Taylor, the legendary Editor-In-Chief of Essence magazine weaved through our discourse. From that, I began to reread, what is to me a life-giving classic, In the Spirit. I immediately felt the power of her words and finely honed wisdom breaking my writers’ block, impacting and re-inspiring me anew. If you don’t know by now, I’m a believer, a Christian, a woman of God, God’s favorite, Jesus freak, holy roller…Mmmm hmm I’m proudly all them thangs. In pursuit of these new goals, I’ve read and listened to opinions about God, faith, and prayer, followed by a supercilious retort: “That’s what our ancestors did”, implying they were weak, uneducated, and gullible. These ancestors whose faith and prayers acquired freedom, and raised powerful generations that are impacting lives RIGHT NOW!

One life journey takeaway: faith and prayer aren’t inactive, matter-of-fact it moves to action; positive, progressive movement. Prayers are the catalyst to confidence in my faith that leads to life-changing actions. Praying to be relieved of a seemingly impossible massive debt will give you the precise steps to take; the specific people to talk to; the type of budget to create, and exactly where to put your money. Praying to avoid another heartbreak will guide you in the choices you make regarding relationships. Praying about your business ideas, plans and decisions can lead you to the perfect location, best contracts, vision-driven team players, sustainability thereby empowering generations. Praying to change systemic injustices reveals a solid foolproof plan of action.
“Imma BOSS“! is the current mantra and the finish line a lot of us are striving for these days, and not to say that isn’t an estimable goal, but as Susan Taylors’ words made impact “We must never become too sophisticated to believe.”