mom motivation: guiding Your kids to live a more active life

Our kids are eating more and moving less, making the prevalence of obesity amongst children a focal point of concern in the U.S. over the years. Not only are there more nutrient-deficient, high-calorie foods for children to indulge in, but children are less active than they were before.
As a result, there has been an increase in current & future health risk factors (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.), as well as an increase in the social struggles (bullying by peers, loss of self-confidence) children face.

This is why awareness amongst parents and adults regarding childhood obesity is so important. Children mirror what you do. According to research published in the International Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, it suggests that having one obese parent increases the likelihood of childhood obesity threefold. Creating a culture of physical activity & wellness in the home can safeguard your children from being obese and becoming susceptible to diseases related to being overweight.

Here are some things parents can do to encourage physical activity and the adoption of healthy habits with their children:

Photography: Wooten Photos

Serve as a Healthy Role Model & Participant – The number one thing that parents can do to encourage healthy behaviors is to be a good role model for their children. With an increase in the amount of time spent interacting with screens (TVs/phones/computers), both children and adults have become more sedentary and less engaged as a family. However, making healthier food choices for the household or making more time for physical activity with your kids benefits everyone involved! Some activities the whole family can do: Cook family dinner together, go for a walk after dinner, turn on some music & have a dance party around the house, take a trip to a local trampoline park, or play tag in the backyard. The key is to make physical activity something the kids look forward to doing and adoption starts with you as the example.

Encourage Self-Efficacy & Perceived Competency – According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), a child’s level of autonomy with an activity is a powerful motivator. In essence, kids are more likely to do what they believe they do well! That is why it is imperative to expose your children to a variety of physical activities for them to choose from. This provides them with an opportunity to discover what they love to do, which in turn encourages long-term adherence. Activities can range from getting them involved in competitive sports (baseball, basketball, etc.) to something as simple as playing hopscotch! Children who participate in regular exercise increases self-efficacy with regard to how they look at themselves and health.

Photography: Wooten Photos

Educate Your Kids on the Importance of Being Active & Eating Healthy – When your kids understand why they are doing what they are doing, they are more likely to participate and stick to it. Ask your kids how they feel after doing an activity or which healthy foods they like the most. Ultimately, the key is to make it relatable to them. Establishing the importance of exercise & health, beyond weight loss and improved performance gives your kids something they can relate to, increasing the likelihood it will become a lifelong habit.

Use Positive Self-Talk & Reinforcement Realistically, healthy eating and staying active can be a challenge and there may be times when you and your kids may struggle with starting a new lifestyle. However, it is important that you keep trying with your kids and promote positive reinforcement. Focus on the fun aspects of getting active, as well as, the positives of eating healthy by placing more attention on the foods you should eat more of, such as the vegetables & fruits they like, versus the foods you should limit (chips, cookies, fried foods). Use verbiage that promotes the positive side of things For example: Say, “Let’s make a fruit salad” instead of “Don’t eat this or that”. Another thing, don’t tell your child “You have to lose weight” say, “Let’s get healthy & start taking better care of our bodies so we feel good. The constant use of positive phrases and words is key to establishing self-confidence and good self-esteem within your kids early on.

Try these approaches with your kids to inspire and motivate them to be active for life! A family that workouts & make healthier choices together, live healthier lives together. Remember, the goal is to encourage a healthy lifestyle that both you and your kids can be successful at maintaining for life.


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