Grace on Grace on GRACE!, it’s what I ask for when I feel my tongue making transformer moves.
Just to share a little background with you, I was one to meditate, practice and intentionally compose words and responses that would cut with master chef precision. It was my greatest form of retaliation, and my hands didn’t get dirty. I’ve failed ALOT in my attempts to wrangle my tongue and have always regretted the powerful effect of my choice words.
By asking for and depending on Grace I’ve been able to quell my tongue more often than not these days but pop quizzes do abound. Case in point, I was engaged in a conversation that quickly went south and my open demeanor instantly changed. As I sat there visibly annoyed, I began, in between compiling a verbal annihilation, to ask for the grace I desperately needed not to decapitate this person. I’m owning my power. Experiencing grace in that moment, talking me down off the ledge, really showed me just how powerful its effect actually is. I was reminded of just how much change and growth has taken place. I, eventually, was able to see the hurt that person is carrying.
When I see this person again I pray I’m even more gracefull in my interaction. So gracefully composed and oozing it all over them! HA! My goal is to gracefully build them up with words of affirmation. Gracefully move forward in peace. Love at a distance.
In this issue, learn how to design a space of love with DeCelles Design Desk and Communicating the power of love with Vanessa White of White Glove Etiquette. Read about a labor of love with our first fashion piece with Omar Salam, the debut of his SEVEN collection from the SUKEINA brand. I would love to hear your thoughts! drop a comment or email me